Sunday, August 31, 2008

August 31

Dear Friends, our Marsha is only with us physically as she lays in a hospital bed in the bedroom. Hospice has been in charge of her medical needs the past 16 days and family and friends have been caregivers along with a couple of paid caregivers who have become "family".

Mona and Bob, our longtime friends from AZ, have been here a week and have done incredible ministry for Marsha and me. Marsha bonded with Mona and mostly trusts her beyond all others.
Mona is a writer of children books that our family have read and shared for many years, check out her website at I am asking Mona to fill you in below as she has been with our Marsha day and night.

Here is Mona: Hi, it has been good to be here with Dan and Marsha and their children; to see Devin and Michelle, Daren and Sky, Danelle and Keith minster to one another and to their parents. Thursday was Marsha's best day in the past week or more as it was what we refer to as her "Heaven" day. The Lord ministered peace to her spirit as He prepared her spiritually and emotionally for her eternal rest. And she had sweet time with family and friends--times of song, prayer, and sharing. Though Jesus didn't take her "home" that day or yet in the days that have followed, her body is beginning to shut down and the time of her physical relief is nearing.

Thank you especially for your prayers as the family continues to care for her and one another, and prepare themselves and their own families for losing a beloved wife, a mother, a grandmother, and an aunt.

This is Dan again: Your prayers, messages, food, offers of help, flowers, etc., has been truly appreciated by our family. Last night the hospice nurse came for a few hours and kicked us out to go to dinner together and get a respite. That was truly a blessed time together with Daren and Sky (who continued to have contractions in the restaurant), Danelle and her cousin Scott Lohrenz from WY, Bob and Mona and me.

Please try to leave a short comment or prayer below.

In Christ Alone,

Dan for Marsha


Unknown said...

Our prayers and love are with you all...The Webb Family!!!!!!

Terry said...

Dan and Marsha:

Our thoughts and prayers are with you as you make your transition.

Dan, it has been a long time since our paths have crossed, but I do think of you and the things you taught me all the time.

Terry Horak
Fresno, CA

sue thomas said...

To the Boggs family
Thank you for sharing your dear sweet Marsha with us.It is a time of sadness and joy.The joy that she has given us a glimps of heaven.The excitment of going to meet our LORD.My prayers are with you all.
Sue Thomas

Jeff and Jean said...

Dear family,

We love you. Our prayers continue to be with All of you. So happy Scott was able to be there too.

Jeff and Jean

Richard said...

Thank you for getting in touch in these last days for Marsha. So many thoughts a feelings come to the surface but words cannot contain them. Love holds it all together and it does wash everything clean. What a gift that Marsha has given you in her glimpse of the other side. She will be missed but know that you all are loved deeply.

Annie B. said...

Dan and Marsha. . .

Ann Petrovich was visiting us here in Texas for a few days last week and she told us of your circumstances and gave me your blog address. We have been gone from Hemet for 3 years now and did not know how things have developed.
Please know that you and the whole family are in our prayers and we thank you for sharing your lives and your faith for so many years.

Jeff, Ann, Hannah & Sarah Bolick

Psalm 73:23-26 Yet I still belong to You;
You hold my right hand.
You guide me with your counsel,
leading me to a glorious destiny.
Whom have I in heaven but you?
I desire You more than anything on earth.
My health may fail, and my spirit may grow weak,
but God remains the strength of my heart;
He is mine forever. (NLT)

Dale covey said...

Phyllis says "It still seems unreal as to what is happening to dear Marsha. But she has taught me so much through all of this. Dan and all the family you are in my prayers daily. Colossians 14:9

August 31, 2008

Mona Hodgson said...

Dear Boggs Family,

You have been a blessing to us--your bond as a family (thanks, Marsha, for your big role in establishing that legacy), your commitment to community, and your deep trust in the Lord through the waiting.

Love you lots,
Mona and Bob Hodgson

Debbie P. said...

Marsha and Dan:
I pray for peace and God's continual love to help you through this time.

Debbie P.

Whitemyer's said...

Dear Boggs Family,

We thank you for sharing Marsha's journey to heaven. We pray that God gives the family continued strength and peace. We love you.

Rick and Barbara

Anonymous said...

Dan and Marsha,
Our thoughts and prayers (with tears) are with you constantly. Marsha, I a praying for your physical comfort and your quick graduation day, and for Dan, peace, comfort, and strength during this trying time.
You have been such a pivotal part of our spiritual life, first by inviting us to BFC, then by just being our friends and great examples to us. We had such fun together at the ranch, at each other's homes for dinner and games, beach days, and vacations.
Marsha you are such a sweet, faithful child of God. You are an example of what all of our lives should be. I'm sure the angels are anxiously awaiting you arrival in heaven.
I will see you in paradise my dear friend.
Love Sharon Alquist