Saturday, May 17, 2008

Saturday, May 17

Hi! This is actually Marsha, tonight. Last Monday Dan and Danelle decided to set up a blog for me because so many precious friends and relatives have been praying for our family during this difficult cancer episode of mine. They felt that a blog would be the best way for us to communicate with the most people, and that's when they decided that they wanted everyone on my e-mail list to know my blog address!!! Oh dear! When I saw that THEY had written about my wonderful Mother's Day and sent the blog to everyone, I was a little embarrassed and asked if I could edit it and/or at least have an "intro" paragraph for the site. I was told that it was too late and I was too tired. So. . .

For the few of you who don't know, my breast cancer has returned and metastasized to some bones in my spine and lymph nodes in my chest. We sought 3 opinions: one from an oncologist (from City of Hope) in Hemet, and two at Loma Linda. All agreed that I am not a candidate for any conventional chemo except for the hormone-blocking drug Arimidex, which is palliative (for comfort of patient or to possibly slow growth of tumors)only. The medical prognosis is not favorable, but we all are absolutely sure of the fact that our amazing, sovereign God is the only One knows the number of my days and how I can best spend them to glorify Him in those remaining. Of course, I am also choosing some alternative therapies along with the Arimidex to build up my immune system and hopefully improve the quality! M


Unknown said...

Hi Marsha,

It was so good seeing you and Dan at the market today. I look forward to checking in on your blog! What a great idea to have this!

Your big smile, great faith and personal peace projects your positive message to all that you meet.

Much love,


Unknown said...

Hi My Dear Friend!!!

This is Roberta...I have been thinking alot about you this past week. Lets get together when you are up to it and do lunch at the park like we talked about a couple of weeks ago...we can do a prayer time too. Love you much.

Mona Hodgson said...

Hey Marsha,

You are in my thoughts and prayers this morning. It was good to hear your voice, but what a sweet gift that Danelle and Dan got your blog up and running.

Take care!
Love you lots,

Don said...

Hi Marsha... I talked with Dan today and he gave me your blog address. Please know my prayers are with you.

Jesus... through you and by you all was created. You know our most intimate needs. I believe you weep when we weep and hurt when you see our bodies struggle and fight because of pain and disease. Stand with Marsha today as always. Heal her body... please. Let her use her pain as a fast to be reminded of your grace, your love, your power, your sacrifice. Stand with Dan... give each of them a reminder of your awesome power today. Thank you.

Marsha... I love you.

Danelle Nagy said...

Hi Mom,

Hope you are getting some much needed rest and relaxation. I love you BIGGER THAN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD AND ALL OF THE TREES!

We know that God is in control and He's our strength when we are weak.

I Love you and I am praying for you all the time!


diana@bfc said...

Hi, Marsha!...

Danelle will be calling me tomorrow afternoon and letting me know if I can come sit by you.

I would be honored to read to you, sing to you, rub your feet, rub your hands...all the things that my mother always did for me when I wasn't feeling well. Just having a loving touch was so comforting. And, I am ready.

You have a wonderful husband, and help-mate in Dan...he loves you more than he loves himself, I think. I only hope that when it is nearing my "graduation", my husband is as loving as yours is.

So, rest up, Marsha...get ready for some serious "hands on"! I'll see you tomorrow!

Your sister always,